
Angled Interface 4L Instant Water Boiler for Kitchen Faucet



Large capacity, low noise, good design suitable for office use.
The instant boiler provides hot water how much you need and didn’t waste water .whether it is direct drinking or brewing, has a utilization rate of 100%.
It also eliminates the health hazards ofchlorinated water”.

kokend water
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temperatuur instelling
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Digitaal display met instelbare temperatuur
The electronic model comes with a digital display to have different temperature settings, temperature showing, and filtration monitor if needed. The hot water temperature can be set at different temperatures according to the needs, such as 55℃ degrees for milk, 90℃ for green tea, 95℃ for coffee, 98℃ for pasta, enzovoort. The hot water temperature is obvious on the boiler’s screen, we can cook or make hot drinks according to our request.

Easy cleaning for limescale
HCDRINK’s water boilers are all assembled with a patented venturi system. The venturi ensures that the water stored in the boiling water pipe is quickly sucked into the venturi system when the users release the boiling water button. So that there is no scale from boiling water dripping.

Makkelijke installatie

One blue index inlet and one red index outlet on the top of the water boiler, Sluit gewoon de gefilterde waterleiding en de kokendwaterleiding aan, wij staan ​​klaar om gezuiverd kokend water uit de kraan te halen.

Capaciteit kokend water
2.2L /tijd
AC 110V / 220V
combineer met elke waterkoker en chiller

Werkt met alle soorten kranen

De HCdrink-waterkoker heeft standaardinterfaces om met elk type kraan te werken. Het systeem kan dus thuis werken, in staven, en in kantoren. Het volgen van de ondersteuning van HCdrink-kranen om verschillende combinaties te hebben met multi-functies van waterverwerking.

Weinig ruimte nodig voor uw onderblad

Each HCDRINK4L has soft rubber feet on the bottom allowing it also to be placed flat anywhere underneath the counter, small space is required and available for storage of office items under counter.

apart waterkanaal
apart waterkanaal

Grootte Specificatie

The water boiler has the size of just a little large than the shoebox
en past in elke ruimte onder de kast, HCDRINK’s 4L under-counter water boiler is one of the most efficient models on the market.
