Smart Water Heater With Water Filter Indication For Tap
Piano paint, square appearance, looks more high-end. Electronic touch panel with 9 kinds of different temperature displays. In addition, there is a filter indicator light to remind you whether you need to change the filter or not. In that way, we can ensure that you can drink healthy and safe hot water at any time.

More safety and hygiene with external heating element

Works with any styles of faucets
Small space need for your under counter
Piano paint, square appearance, looks more high-end. Electronic touch panel with 9 kinds of different temperature displays. In addition, there is a filter indicator light to remind you whether you need to change the filter or not. In that way, we can ensure that you can drink healthy and safe hot water at any time.

Size Specification
The water boiler has the size of a shoebox
and fits into any under-cabinet space, HCDRINK’s 2.4L under counter water boiler is one of the most efficient models with the smallest size on the market.